Field survey on the freshwater snails in Cheju Province(Quelpart lsland), Korea: Especially on presence or not of Parafossarulus manchouricus
Kang, Suck Young , Loh, In Kyu , Park, Yung Hoon , Kim, Byung Chan , Lim, Too Bong
Korean J Parasito. 1964;2(3):183-188.     DOI:
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An evaluation of intraderaml tests for the screening of paragonimiasis by comparing antigens variously processed
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The Korean Journal of Parasitology.1969; 7(1): 15.     CrossRef
A study on the infection status on intermediate hosts by Paragonimus on Che Ju Island
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The Korean Journal of Parasitology.1969; 7(3): 171.     CrossRef