Molecular Identification of Adenocephalus pacificus (Cestoda) from Three Human Cases in Lima Province, Peru
Aar?n Mondrag?n-Mart?nez, Rosa Mart?nez-Rojas, Enrique Garcia-Candela, Abraham Delgado-Escalante, Manuel Tantale?n-Vidaurre, Lidia Cruz-Neyra
Korean J Parasito. 2020;58(4):457-460.   Published online 2020 Aug 25     DOI:
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Molecular identification and prevalence of plerocercoid larvae (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) in some commercial fish species from Peru
Aarón Mondragón-Martínez, Diego Marroquin-Vilchez, Rosa Martínez-Rojas, Lidia Cruz-Neyra, Eduardo A. Pulido-Murillo, Marcos A. Sulca-López, Celso Luis Cruces, Jhon Darly Chero, Enrique García-Candela, Jefferson Yunis-Aguinaga
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