Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii assayed using Rapid Diagnostic Tests among Residents in Three Counties Adjacent to The Demilitarized Zone, Korea
Jeehi Jung, Jinyoung Lee, Yoon Kyung Chang, Seong Kyu Ahn, Seo Hye Park, Sung-Jong Hong, Jihoo Lee, Chom-Kyu Chong, Hye-Jin Ahn, Ho-Woo Nam, Tong-Soo Kim, Dongjae Kim
Korean J Parasito. 2021;59(1):9-14.   Published online 2021 Feb 19     DOI:
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Molecular survey of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene in pigs from various localities in Korea
Dongmi Kwak, Min-Goo Seo
Parasites, Hosts and Diseases.2024; 62(3): 294.     CrossRef