Checklist | > For Authors and Reviewers > Checklist |

Before sending your paper to the journal's editor, please make sure that you have included all necessary details. Please consult the Manuscript Regulations of Parasites, Hosts and Diseases for further details of any item.
Instructions to Authors
- ☐ I read the requirements for manuscript submission and the guidelines for manuscript preparation. This manuscript was written according to the guidelines.
- ☐ The authors’ institutions and the funding body supporting this research have agreed to allow this article to be published.
- ☐ This article has not been published previously in any other journal. Currently, it is not submitted to another journal for publication.
Manuscript Format
- ☐ Prepare manuscripts preferably using MS Word, double spaced, on an A4 (210×297 mm) page format.
- ☐ Insert line numbers in the main text. Number all pages in sequence, including the Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials And Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, References, followed by Figure Legends for full original articles.
- ☐ Only a single font (e.g., Times New Roman) should be used in 12 point or over. Genera and species names of parasites and living organisms should be written in italic. Other Latin origin words, such as “et al.”, “in situ”, “in vitro”, and “in vivo” should not be italicized.
- ☐ Reference citations are in Vancouver style.
- ☐ All references cited in the text must appear in the References section, and all items in this section should be cited in the text. References should be listed in order of citation in the text.
- ☐ Tables and Figures should be on separate files.