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· Most-cited are based on citations from 2023 ~ 2025.

202 Lophomonas blattarum-like organism in bronchoalveolar lavage from a pneumonia patient: current diagnostic scheme and polymerase chain reaction can lead to false-positive results
Moses Lee, Sang Mee Hwang, Jong Sun Park, Jae Hyeon Park, Jeong Su Park
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(2):202-209.   Published online May 23, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.22107   Web of Science 4  Crossref 5
78 Monitoring antimalarial drug-resistance markers in Somalia
Abdifatah Abdullahi Jalei, Kesara Na-Bangchang, Phunuch Muhamad, Wanna Chaijaroenkul
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(1):78-83.   Published online February 22, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.22140   Web of Science 4  Crossref 5
449 Antiamoebic activities of flavonoids against pathogenic free-living amoebae, Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba species
Hương Giang Lê, Tuấn Cường Võ, Jung-Mi Kang, Thu Hằng Nguyễn, Buyng-Su Hwang, Young-Taek Oh, Byoung-Kuk Na
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(4):449-454.   Published online November 28, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.23078   Web of Science 4  Crossref 4
138 Expression of cytokines and co-stimulatory molecules in the Toxoplasma gondii-infected dendritic cells of C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice
Jae-Hyung Lee, Jae-Min Yuk, Guang-Ho Cha, Young-Ha Lee
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(2):138-146.   Published online May 23, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.22150   Web of Science 4  Crossref 4
2 Inflammatory response to Trichomonas vaginalis in the pathogenesis of prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia
Ik-Hwan Han, Jung-Hyun Kim, Jae-Sook Ryu
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(1):2-14.   Published online February 22, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.22160   Web of Science 5  Crossref 4
15 Molecular detection and genotype analysis of Kudoa septempunctata from food poisoning outbreaks in Korea
Gyung-Hye Sung, In-Ji Park, Hee-Soo Koo, Eun-Hee Park, Mi-Ok Lee
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(1):15-23.   Published online February 22, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.22034   Web of Science 4  Crossref 4
53 Prevalence of head louse infestation among primary schoolchildren in the Republic of Korea: nationwide observation of trends in 2011-2019
Seungwan Ryoo, Sooji Hong, Taehee Chang, Hyejoo Shin, Jae Young Park, Jeonggyu Lee, Eun-Hee Nah, Eun Hee Lee, Bong-Kwang Jung, Jong-Yil Chai
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(1):53-59.   Published online February 22, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.22134   Web of Science 3  Crossref 4
72 Imported human babesiosis in the Republic of Korea, 2019: two case reports
Hyun Jung Kim, Min Jae Kim, Hyun-Il Shin, Jung-Won Ju, Hee-Il Lee
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(1):72-77.   Published online February 22, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.22168   Web of Science 4  Crossref 4
251 Species identification and pyrethroid resistance genotyping of recently resurgent Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus in Korea
Susie Cho, Heung Chul Kim, Hoonsik Eom, Jae Rok Lee, Chung Hyun Ko, E-hyun Shin, Won Kyu Lee, Si Hyeock Lee, Ju Hyeon Kim
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2024;62(2):251-256.   Published online May 27, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.24002   Web of Science 2  Crossref 3
439 Efficacy of recombinant enolase as a candidate vaccine against Haemaphysalis longicornis tick infestation in mice
Md. Samiul Haque, Mohammad Saiful Islam, Myung-Jo You
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(4):439-448.   Published online November 28, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.23075   Web of Science 2  Crossref 3
325 Eight cases of canine thelaziosis found in two localities in Korea
Seongjun Choe, Sunmin Kim, Tilak Chandra Nath, Jeong-Ho Kim
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(3):325-331.   Published online August 21, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.23031   Web of Science 2  Crossref 3
183 Diagnosing Balamuthia mandrillaris amebic meningoencephalitis in a 64-year-old woman from the Southwest of China
Suhua Yao, Xiaoting Chen, Lian Qian, Shizheng Sun, Chunjing Zhao, Zongkai Bai, Zhaofang Chen, Youcong Wu
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(2):183-193.   Published online May 23, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.23039   Web of Science 1  Crossref 3
210 Molecular epidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii in cattle in Korea
Kyoo-Tae Kim, Min-Goo Seo
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(2):210-215.   Published online May 23, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.23016   Web of Science 2  Crossref 3
42 Babeisa duncani infection alters gut microbiota profile in hamsters
Shangdi Zhang, Jinming Wang, Xiaoyun Li, Yanbo Wang, Yueli Nian, Chongge You, Dekui Zhang, Guiquan Guan
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(1):42-52.   Published online February 22, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.22142   Crossref 3
60 Ampicillin treated German cockroach extract leads to reduced inflammation in human lung cells and a mouse model of Asthma
Seogwon Lee, Myung-Hee Yi, Yun Soo Jang, Jun Ho Choi, Myungjun Kim, Soo Lim Kim, Tai-Soon Yong, Ju Yeong Kim
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(1):60-71.   Published online February 22, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.22147   Web of Science 3  Crossref 3
226 Molecular cloning, identification, transcriptional analysis, and silencing of enolase on the life cycle of Haemaphysalis longicornis (Acari, Ixodidae) tick
Md. Samiul Haque, Md. Khalesur Rahman, Mohammad Saiful Islam, Myung-Jo You
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2024;62(2):226-237.   Published online May 27, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.24015   Crossref 2
139 Molecular detection and characterization of Acanthamoeba infection in dogs and its association with keratitis in Korea
Subin Lee, Badriah Alkathiri, Ji Seung Jung, Nanyoung Kang, Jiyi Hwang, Sang-Eun Park, Yeonchul Hong, Kyung-Mee Park, Seung-Hun Lee
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2024;62(1):139-144.   Published online February 23, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.23112   Web of Science 2  Crossref 2
388 Involvement of NOX2-derived ROS in human hepatoma HepG2 cell death induced by Entamoeba histolytica
Young Ah Lee, Myeong Heon Shin
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(4):388-396.   Published online November 28, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.23094   Web of Science 2  Crossref 2
405 In vitro anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity of methanolic extract of Bidens pilosa and identification of active compounds by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis
Gabriel Enrique Cázares-Jaramillo, Zinnia Judith Molina-Garza, Itza Eloisa Luna-Cruz, Luisa Yolanda Solís-Soto, José Luis Rosales-Encina, Lucio Galaviz-Silva
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(4):405-417.   Published online November 28, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.23069   Web of Science 2  Crossref 2
463 Update on the risk factors for opisthorchiasis and cholangiocarcinoma in Thailand
Sattrachai Prasopdee, Thittinan Rojthongpond, Yanwadee Chitkoolsamphan, Montinee Pholhelm, Siraphatsorn Yusuk, Junya Pattaraarchachai, Kritiya Butthongkomvong, Jutharat Kulsantiwong, Teva Phanaksri, Anthicha Kunjantarachot, Smarn Tesana, Thanakrit Sathavornmanee, Veerachai Thitapakorn
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023;61(4):463-470.   Published online November 28, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/PHD.23032   Web of Science 2  Crossref 2
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