1 |
Parasitology in a quickly changing society: past, present and future of parasitology in Korea
Cho, S Y
13 |
Overview of Entamoeba histolytica and amebiasis in Korea with special reference to research notes
Soh, C T
29 |
Pathogenic free-living amoebae
Im, K I
41 |
Diagnosis and epidemiology of toxoplasmosis in Korea
Choi, W Y
45 |
Travel-related parasitic infections
Paik, Y H
49 |
Epidemiology and control of ascariasis in Korea
Seo, B S
63 |
Clonorchiasis in Korea
Rim, H J
79 |
Paragonimus and paragonimiasis in Korea
Choi, D W
103 |
Intestinal trematodes of humans in Korea: Metagonimus, heterophyids and echinostomes
Chai, J Y , Lee, S H
123 |
Cestode infections in Korea
Min, D Y
145 |
A historical review and prospects of medical entomology research in Korea
Ree, H I
Korean J Parasito. 1990;28(Suppl):145-156. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1990.28.Suppl.145