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Two cases of natural human infection by Echinostoma hortense and its second intermediate host in Wonju area
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Korean J Parasito Search


Korean J Parasito > Volume 23(1):1985 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1985 Jun;23(1):33-40. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1985.23.1.33
Copyright © 1985 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Two cases of natural human infection by Echinostoma hortense and its second intermediate host in Wonju area
Yong Suk Ryang,Yung Kyum Ahn,*Kyung Won Lee,Tai Seung Kim and Min Hee Hhan*
Department of Public Health and Administration and Parasitology*, Wonju Medical College, Yonsei University, Korea.
Department of Clinical Pathology, Wonju Christian Hospital, Wonju Medical College, Korea.
Department of Internal Medicine**, Wonju Christian Hospital, Wonju Medical College, Korea.

Two cases of human Echinostoma hortense infection and their probable infection source were identified by praziqantel (Distocide) treatment of the patients and by examining two kinds of fresh water fish which were eaten raw by them. The result of the research can be summarized as follows: The patients, each aged 31 and 30, were residing in the same house in Wonju City, Kangwon Province. The first case was hospitalized due to epidemic hemorrhagic fever (E.H. fever) and the second case was healthy but had slight degree of abdominal pain and diarrhea from time to time. In the stool examination, eggs of E. hortense (114.3 × 71.0 µm average from the first case and 119.1 × 68.3 µm average from the second) were found. By administering single dose of praziquantel (10~15 mg/kg) and purgation with magnesium salt to them, six adults of E. hortense were collected from the diarrheal stools of the second case. By examining 84 Moroco oxycephalus and 20 Carassius carassius which were captured at the place where the two patients had captured and eaten the fresh water fish, the metacercariae of Echinostoma sp. were found from 3 (3.5 percent) M. oxycephalus. After the experimental infection of 3 isolated metacercariae to one albino rat three adults of E. hortense were recovered. By the present study, the two patients revealing the echinostomatid eggs in their stools were proven to be infected with E. hortense and to be the second and third human cases of this fluke infection in Korea. Moroco oxycephalus harboured the metacercariae of E. hortense and appeared to be a new second intermediate host.


Figs. 1-3
Fig. 1.E. hortense from the human case (Scale: 1mm).

Fig. 2. Collar spines and end group spines on circumoral disk of adult E. hortense.

Fig. 3. Egg of E. hortense from stool of the human case (Scale: 20µm).

Figs. 4-8
Fig. 4.E. hortense from albino rat by experimental infection (Scale: 1mm).

Fig. 5. Showing Moroco oxycephalus (Bleeker).

Fig. 6. Collar spines and end group spines on circumoral disk of adult E. hortense.

Fig. 7. The egg of E. hortense from albino rat by experimental infection (Scale:20µm).

Fig. 8. Metacercaria of E. hortense obtained from the Moroco oxycephalus (Scale:50µm).


Table 1
Comparison of measurements of eggs

Table 2
Comparison of measurements of E. hortense (in mm)

Table 3
E. hortense metacercarial infection in Moroco oxycephalus (fresh-water fish) from the Wonju stream

Table 4
The location of the meacercaria of E. hortense by body portions of 84 M. oxycephalus

Table 5
Second intermediate host of E. hortense reported by various authors

1. Arizono N, et al. Jpn J Parasit 1976;25(1):36–45.
2. Asada J. Trans jpn Path Soc 1926;16:293–294.
3. Cho SY, Kang SY, Ryang YS. [Helminthes Infections In The Small Intestine Of Stray Dogs In Ejungbu City, Kyunggi Do, Korea]. Korean J Parasitol 1981;19(1):55–59.
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6. Miyamoto K, et al. Jpn J Parasit 1983;32(4):261–269.
7. Ono S. Dobutsugaku Zasshi 1930;42:7–16.
8. Park JT. Keijo J Med 1938;9(4):283–286.
9. Seo BS, Rim HJ, Lee CW. Studies on the parasitic helmiths of Korea: I. Trematodes of rodents. Korean J Parasitol 1964;2(1):20–26.
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13. Tani S. Jpn J Parasit 1926;25(4):262–273.
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