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Collection of adult and larval mosquitoes in U.S. Army compounds in the Republic of Korea during 1979-1983
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 22(1):1984 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1984 Jun;22(1):102-108. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1984.22.1.102
Copyright © 1984 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Collection of adult and larval mosquitoes in U.S. Army compounds in the Republic of Korea during 1979-1983
Kwan Woo Lee,Raj K. Gupta and John A. Wildie
Entomology Section, 5th Preventive Medicine Unit, U.S. Army, Seoul, Korea.

This paper is the result of adult female mosquito and larval collection in U.S. Army Installations in Korea from 1979 to 1983. New Jersey light traps ere operated for ault collection from May to October. The primary concern of this surveillance is to determine when to recommend insecticide spraying for mosquito control in the Army areas. The 5th Preventive Medicine Unit have developed an "index" level of female mosquitoes in a light trap similar to other U.S.Army Agencies in other parts of the world. When 10 female mosquitoes are reached on two consecutive trap-night, or 5 known vector females are collected, fogging is recommended in the trap areas. Mosquito collections were conducted in 12 U.S. Army areas by operating 39 New Jersey light traps. Mosquitoes collected from the areas were identified to be 17 species comprising 3 genera. Anopheles sinensis(40%). Culex tritaeniorhyncus(31%), Aedes vexans nipponii(19%), and Cluex pipiens pallens(10%) appeared to be the most common species in the area. The species, population density and monthly appearance of adult mosquitoes were found to be almost the same in the all provinces involved. And Japanese encephalitis vector mosquitoes, Culex tritaeniorhyncus, showed their seasonal fluctuation from July to September with a peak in August each year. 3. Larval habitats confirmed in the Army areas were categorized into 16 types as shown in Table The mosquito larvae collected in those habitats were identified to be 15 species representign 4 genera. Most breeding sites in the Army areas were those which are activated during the wet season. More mosquitoes were collected from the Kyungki province than from the other provinces. The reason for more collection of mosquitoes from military installations in the Kyungki provinces appears to be the geographic characteritics surrounded by rice fields, marshes and other stagnant water areas.


Fig. 1
Distribution of light-traps throughout the provinces from mosquito collection (1979~1980)


Table 1
Geographical distribution of mosquito species collected in U.S. Army Camp areas using New Jersey light traps and their relative abundance, 1979~1980

Table 2
Average number of adult female mosquitoes collected in U.S. Army Camp areas using New Jersey light traps, 1979~1980

Table 3
Mosquito larval habitats surveyed in U.S. Army Installations, 1979~1983

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