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Study on the cestodes in Theragra chalcrogamma
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Korean J Parasito Search


Korean J Parasito > Volume 22(1):1984 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1984 Jun;22(1):85-95. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1984.22.1.85
Copyright © 1984 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Study on the cestodes in Theragra chalcrogamma
Jong-Phil Chu
Department of Parasitology, School of Medicine, Kyung-Hee University, Korea.

This study was performed to investigate the intestinal parasites (especially cestoda) in the guts of Theragra chalcogramma in Korea. The cestode larvae collected were morphologically observed and measured, and at the same time, microscopical study was done with the section slides of the cestode larvae. They were identified on the basis of the descriptions by Schmidt and Yamaguti. The results obtained in this study are as follows: The cestode larvae were identified as Khawia sinesis, Eulacistorhynchus chiloscyllius, Tentacularia coryphaenea, Pseudonybelinia odontacantha and Nybelinia lingualis. These are new species reported in Korea. The characteristics of Khawia sinesis are its scolex lacking loculi and broad, flat and fimbriate shape. Its neck is not separated from the body but a little constricted. Eulacistorhynchus chiloscyllius is characterized by fairly long and acraspedote scolex. The bulbs are long; retractor muscles are attached to bases of the bulbs. The two bothridia are oval or round in shape and lacking posterior notch. The tentacles are long and poeciloacanthus; double chainette present. Tentacularia coryphaenea is characterized by its long craspedote and subcylindrical scolex. The bothridia are separated, without free borders and spinous. The tentacles are short, slender, armed with solid hooks in spirals, similar except the base of tentacle. The tentacle sheaths are not twisted. The bulbs are ellipsoidal. Pseudonybelinia odontacantha is characterized by its craspedote scolex. The tentacles are inserted near anterior margin of bothridia and armed with hooks in spirals ascending left to right. The hooks are similar, throughout tentacle, with feeble curve and provided with a tooth-like protuberance on the ventral side. The bulbs are three times longer than its width. The posterior margins of bothridia have a pair of eversible ciliated pits; or fossettes. Nybelinia lingualis is characterized by its short and craspedote scolex. The bothridia are separated, with free boarders. The tentacles are cylindrical, armed with solid and similar hooks in quincunxes.


Diagran 1
Diagrammatic illustration of Caryophy1-lidae. N: neck, S: Scolex, Se: Segment, Su: Sucker

Diagram 2
Diagrammatic illustration of Trypanorhyncha. Pbo ; Pars bothridialis, Pv ; Pars vaginalis, Pb ; Pars bulbosa, B ; Blastocyst(or Plerocercus).

Figs. 1-6
Fig. 1,2 and 3: Whole view of Khawia sinesis. ×20.

Fig. 4: Magnification of head portion of Fig. 1. ×40.

Fig. 5:Ibid of Fig. 2. ×40.

Fig. 6:Ibid of Fig. 3. ×40.

Figs. 7-12
Fig. 7: Whole view of Nybelinia lingualis. ×20.

Fig. 8,9,10 and 11: Whole view of Pseudonybelinia odontacantha. ×20.

Fig. 12: Whole view of Eulacistorhynchus chiloscyllius. ×20.

Figs. 13-17
Fig. 13 and 14: Whole view of Eulacistorhynchus chiloscyllius. ×20.

Fig. 15 and 16: Whole view of Tentacularia coryphaenea. ×20.

Fig. 17: Sagittal sections of pars bulbosa and blastocyst of Pseudonybelinia odontacantha. ×40.

Fig. 18-21
Fig. 18: Sagittal sections of pars bulbosa and blastocyst of Pseudonybelinia odontacantha. ×40.

Fig. 19: Cross section of ciliary pits in bothridia of Pseudonybelinia odontacantha. ×100.

Fig. 20: Cross section of blastocyst of Eulacistorhynchus chiloscyllius. ×20.

Fig. 21: Cross section of pars bulbosa of Eulacistorhynchus chiloscyllius. ×20.


Table 1
Measurements of Khawia sinesis (in mm)

Table 2
Measurements of Eulacistorhynchus chiloscyllius (in mm)

Table 3
Measurements of Tentacularia coryphaenea (in mm)

Table 4
Measurements of Pseudonybelinia odntacantha (in mm)

Table 5
Measurements of Nybelinia lingualis (in mm)

1. Ichihara A, et al. Meguro Kiseichukan Geppo 1965;72,73:2–4.
2. Kato K, et al. Meguro Kiseichukan Geppo 1963;55:2–5.
3. Mackenzie K, et al. Symp Br Soc Parasit 1970;8:1–42.
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