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Studies on bovine besnoitiosis in Korea II. A survey on incidence in the enzootic region
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 8(3):1970 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1970 Dec;8(3):76-80. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1970.8.3.76
Copyright © 1970 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Studies on bovine besnoitiosis in Korea II. A survey on incidence in the enzootic region
Hi Suk Lee,Ung Bok Bak,Mu Hong Moon and Jong Uk Shin
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Chinju National Agricultural College, Korea.

The 4,725 cattle in the enzootic region, 6 counties of southern Korea, were surveyed for besnoitiosis epidemiologically by examining the scleral conjunctiva for the cysts and the following results were obtained.

1. The survey showed that 285 cattle, representing 6 per cent of a total of 4,725 cattle examined had S.C. cysts. Only 49 (14 per cent) of them showed clinical sclerodermatitis and the ratio between clinical and inapparent cases was 1:5.8.

2. On age distribution of the S.C. positive cases the highest incidence(10-12 per cent) was seen in amimals that were from 5 to 8 years of age, but clinically apparent cases occurred much more in younger age of animal.

3. In local incidence of S.C. cysts positive cases the prevalence was higher in the secluded districts such as Koheung and Sancheoung counties(9 per cent).


Fig. 1
Distribution of the infected cattle

Fig. 2
Local distribution of the infected cattle in Kyonsangnam-Do.

Fig. 3
Age distribution of subclinical and clinical cases.


Table 1
Local distribution of the scleral conjunctiva cyst positive rate in the endemic areas

Table 2
Local distribution of the scleral conjunctiva cyst positive rate in Sancheong Gun

Table 3
Age distribution of the scleral conjunctiva cyst positive rate in endemic areas

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