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A relapsed case of imported tertian malaria after a standard course of hydroxychloroquine and primaquine therapy
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 36(2):1998 > Article

Brief Communication
Korean J Parasitol. 1998 Jun;36(2):143-146. English.
Published online Jun 20, 1998.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1998.36.2.143
Copyright © 1998 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
A relapsed case of imported tertian malaria after a standard course of hydroxychloroquine and primaquine therapy
K J Yi,*1M H Chung,1H S Kim,1C S Kim,1 and S H Pai2
1Department of Internal Medicine, Inha University, Medical College, Inchon 400-103, Korea.
Received October 31, 1997; Accepted March 12, 1998.


Resistance of Plasmodium species to antimalarial agents has become increasingly challenging to the management and prevention of malaria. We experienced an imported case of tertian malaria due to Plasmodium vivax relapsed after a seemingly successful treatment with conventional course of hydroxychloroquine and primaquine. A 35-year-old man developed fever three days after return from India and mainland China. After his illness was diagnosed as tertian malaria, he was managed with hydroxychloroquine and then primaquine (primaquine base 15 mg/day for 14 days). Thereafter peripheral blood smears showed no malarial parasites, and there was no relapse of symptom until the 55th post-treatment day, however, six months after the above treatment tertian malaria relapsed. He was managed with the same medications again and malaria did not relapse for 10 months.

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