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A Nationwide Survey on the Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections in the Republic of Korea, 2004
Tong-Soo Kim, Shin-Hyeong Cho, Sun Huh, Yoon Kong, Woon-Mok Sohn, Seung-Sik Hwang, Jong-Yil Chai, Soon-Hyung Lee, Yun-Kyu Park, Dae-Kyu Oh, Jong-Koo Lee
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2009;47(1):37-47.   Published online March 12, 2009
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2009.47.1.37   Crossref 67
The First Outbreak of Chorioptes texanus (Acari: Psoroptidae) Infestation in a Cattle Farm in Korea
Guk-Hyun Suh, Tai-Young Hur, Sun Lim, Sang-Min Shin, Jungkee Kwon, Shin-Hyeong Cho, Chai-Yong Lee, Sung-Shik Shin
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2008;46(4):273-278.   Published online December 20, 2008
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2008.46.4.273   Crossref 8
High Levels of Antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum Liver Stage Antigen-1 in Naturally Infected Individuals in Myanmar
Hyeong-Woo Lee, Sung-Ung Moon, Yeon-Joo Kim, Shin-Hyeong Cho, Khin Lin, Byoung-Kuk Na, Tong-Soo Kim
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2008;46(3):195-198.   Published online September 20, 2008
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2008.46.3.195   Crossref 2
Prevalence of Clonorchiasis in Southern Endemic Areas of Korea in 2006
Shin-Hyeong Cho, Ki-Yeon Lee, Byung-Chul Lee, Pyo-Yun Cho, Hyeong-Il Cheun, Sung-Tae Hong, Woon-Mok Sohn, Tong-Soo Kim
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2008;46(3):133-137.   Published online September 20, 2008
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2008.46.3.133   Crossref 63
Larval Gnathostoma hispidum detected in the red banded odd-tooth snake, Dinodon rufozonatum rufozonatum, from China
Shin-Hyeong Cho, Tong-Soo Kim, Yoon Kong, Byoung-Kuk Na, Woon-Mok Sohn
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2007;45(3):191-198.   Published online September 20, 2007
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2007.45.3.191   Crossref 8
Arthrostoma miyazakiense (Nematoda: Ancylostomatidae) infection in raccoon dogs of Korea and experimental transmission to dogs
Sung-Shik Shin, Dae-Jung Cha, Kyoung-Oh Cho, Ho-Sung Cho, Jeong-Ok Choi, Shin-Hyeong Cho
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2007;45(2):121-128.   Published online June 20, 2007
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2007.45.2.121   Crossref 8
Infection status of pond smelts, Hypomesus olidus, and other freshwater fishes with trematode metacercariae in 6 large lakes
Shin-Hyeong Cho, Woon-Mok Sohn, Sung-Shik Shin, Hyeon-Je Song, Taek-Gyun Choi, Chang-Mi Oh, Yoon Kong, Tong-Soo Kim
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2006;44(3):243-246.   Published online September 20, 2006
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2006.44.3.243   Crossref 8
Usefulness of the recombinant liver stage antigen-3 for an early serodiagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum infection
Hyeong-Woo Lee, Sung-Ung Moon, Hye-Sun Ryu, Yeon-Joo Kim, Shin-Hyeong Cho, Gyung-Tae Chung, Khin Lin, Byoung-Kuk Na, Yoon Kong, Kyung-Suk Chung, Tong-Soo Kim
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2006;44(1):49-54.   Published online March 20, 2006
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2006.44.1.49   Crossref 7
Heterophyid metacercarial infections in brackish water fishes from Jinju-man (Bay), Kyongsangnam-do, Korea
Do Gyun Kim, Tong-Soo Kim, Shin-Hyeong Cho, Hyeon-Je Song, Woon-Mok Sohn
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2006;44(1):7-13.   Published online March 20, 2006
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2006.44.1.7   Crossref 20
Aspartic proteases of Plasmodium vivax are highly conserved in wild isolates
Byoung-Kuk Na, Eung-Goo Lee, Hyeong-Woo Lee, Shin-Hyeong Cho, Young-An Bae, Yoon Kong, Jong-Koo Lee, Tong-Soo Kim
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2004;42(2):61-66.   Published online June 20, 2004
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2004.42.2.61   Crossref 7
A mark-release-recapture experiment with Anopheles sinensis in the northern part of Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Shin-Hyeong Cho, Hyeong-Woo Lee, E-Hyun Shin, Hee-Il Lee, Wook-Gyo Lee, Chong-Han Kim, Jong-Taek Kim, Jong-Soo Lee, Won-Ja Lee, Gi-Gon Jung, Tong-Soo Kim
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2002;40(3):139-148.   Published online September 30, 2002
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2002.40.3.139   Crossref 25
Identification of newly isolated Babesia parasites from cattle in Korea by using the Bo-RBC-SCID mice
Shin-Hyeong Cho, Tong-Soo Kim, Hyeong-Woo Lee, Masayoshi Tsuji, Chiaki Ishihara, Jong-Taek Kim, Sung-Hwan Wee, Chung-Gil Lee
Parasites Hosts Dis. 2002;40(1):33-40.   Published online March 31, 2002
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3347/kjp.2002.40.1.33   Crossref 12
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