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Intestinal perforation due to infection of Sparganum mansoni
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 14(1):1976 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1976 Jun;14(1):61-64. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1976.14.1.61
Copyright © 1976 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Intestinal perforation due to infection of Sparganum mansoni
Hong-Ki Min,Sang-Ho Han,Sei-Ok Yoon and Chang-Hyun Oh
Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.
Cheil Hospital, Seoul, Korea.

In May 1974, authors encountered a 37 year old Korean male who was suffering from very serious condition of acute abdomen. On exploratory laparotomy, a ruptured granulomatous mass in the proximal portion of the ileum showing extensive inflammatory and gangrenous changes was found and about 4 ft. long of the bowel was resected. From the honey-combed fibrous capsules in the mass, four plerocercoid larvae, spargana, measuring about 3 to 7 cm in lengths were extirpated. The patient had a past history of having eaten the raw flesh of a snake as a tonic about 7 months prior to admission. Four cases of intra-abdominal sparganosis reported previously in Korea and the present case were discussed briefly. Snakes and frogs in Korea are very important second intermediate hosts for the 1arva, Sparganum stage. It is most preferable that the habitual ingestion of the raw fleshes of them should be avoided in this country.


Fig. 1
One extracted Sparganum and three (encircled) in the perforated granulomatous mass in the resected ileum.


Table 1
Sparganosis Involved the Abdominal Cavity in Korea

1. Cho SY, Bae JH, Seo BS. Some Aspects Of Human Sparganosis In Korea. Korean J Parasitol 1975;13(1):60–77.
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