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Indirect fluorescent antibody test for diagnosis of paragonimiasis
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 13(2):1975 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1975 Dec;13(2):152-158. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1975.13.2.152
Copyright © 1975 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Indirect fluorescent antibody test for diagnosis of paragonimiasis
Won-Young Choi,Won-Koo Lee and Ok-Ran Lee
Department of Parasitology, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.

Indirect fluorescent antibody tests were performed with sera of paragonimiasis patients and skin test positive sera against Paragonimus antigen.

Paragonimus antigen was prepared from lyophilized adult worms of P. westermani by defatting with ethyl-ether before extracting with barbital buffered saline.

Preparation of Paragonimus antigen for the indirect fluorescent antibody test was based upon Sato's method used for sero-diagnosis of anisakiasis, with Sephadex G-25 instead of Sepharose 4B.

The results were as follows:

1. The indirect fluorescent antibody titers of paragonimiasis patient's sera ranged from 1:64 to 1:512, whereas the control sera showed titers of less than 1:16. As controls, Clonorchis patient's sera and parasite-free healthy human sera were used.

2. In indirect fluorescent antibody tests, the skin test positive human sera against Paragonimus antigen showed a positive rate of 41.5 per cent in the case of titers more than 1:40. On the other hand, complement fixation tests on the same sera showed a positive rate of 32.5 per cent in the case of titers more than 1:20.


Fig. 1
Distribution of Immunofluorescent titers and complement fixation titers in Paragonimus skin test positive's sera.


Table 1
Indirect immunofluorescent tests and complement fixation tests in Paragonimus egg detected human sera

Table 2
Distribution of antibody titers in indirect immunofluorescent tests and complement fixation tests in confirmed paragonimiasis

Table 3
Immunofluorescent titers and complement fixation titers in the sera from skin test positives for paragonimiasis

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