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Insecticide resistance in bedbugs(Cimex lectularius) in Korea
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 8(1):1970 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1970 Apr;8(1):5-7. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1970.8.1.5
Copyright © 1970 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Insecticide resistance in bedbugs(Cimex lectularius) in Korea
Chul Hwan Cha,Ki Sun Ham,Jong June Yoon,Jong Hwan Hwang,Kwan Woo Lee and Sung Hoi Koo
Department of Preventive Medicine and Institute of Tropical Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.

In the summer of 1969 from July through October, authors carried out a study of susceptibility in adult female bed bug(Cimex lectularius) in order to ascertain any development of resistance to insecticides in Korea. The test to DDT and Dieldrin was performed in laboratory by the continuous exposure of residues method, with standard impregnated paper used for adult mosqitoes. Some results so far obtained can be summarised as follows:

1. LC50 were 2.839% in DDT and 0.167% in Dieldrin.

2. The resistance has been arisen 2.4~2.9 times in DDT and 1.6~2.4 times in Dieldrin as compared with London laboratory strain, but they were susceptible 1.4 times in DDT and 180 times in Dieldrin as compared to Israel resistance strain.


Fig. 1
Concentration-mortality regression lines of adult female bed bugs (Cimex lectularius)


Table 1
Susceptibility of bedbugs to various concentrations of DDT and Dieldrin

Table 2
The Susceptibility of adult female bedbugs by continous exposure to residues of DDT and Dieldrin on standard impregnated paper (3.6mg/cm2)

Table 3
Comparison of LC50 in various strains

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