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Studies on Parafossarulus manchouricus Bourguigant in Korea
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 2(1):1964 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1964 Jun;2(1):27-34. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1964.2.1.27
Copyright © 1964 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Studies on Parafossarulus manchouricus Bourguigant in Korea
Seh Kyu Chun
Pusan Fisheries College, Korea.

A snail of the primary host of Clonorchis sinensis, distributed in the Korean Penninsula, has been called Bulimus striatulus (Benson) Shiba 1934, while that of China, the mainland of Asia, and of Japan has been called Parafossarulus manchouricus Bourguigant(Abbott l951, Sugihara l954).

Having studied on the external character and radula of the snail collected from nine areas of Korea, including Kimhae, Jinyong, Namji, Ulsan, Kunsan etc.The author has not found any reasonable distinctions which set up different species between Korean species and Chinese or Japanese species although there exists some slight difference.


Plate I
Teeth and Radula of Parafossarulus manchouricus.

a. Rachidian; b. Lateral tooth; c. Inner marginal tooth; d. Outer marginal tooth; e. Radula; f. Apex present of Parafossarulus manchouricus; g. Apex eroded of P.m.; h. Operculum.


Table 1
Comparison of the locality of Parafossarulus manchouricus

Table 2
Comparison of the radula and it's crossrows

Table 3
Formula of Rachidian tooth cusps

Table 4
Formula of lateral tooth cusps

Table 5
Number of inner marginal tooth cusps

Table 6
Number of outer marginal tooth cusps

1. Abott RT. Handbook of medically important molluska of the orient and the western pacific. Bulletin Mus. Com. Zoo. 1948;100(3):272–328.
2. Abott RT. American Sea Shells. New York: Van Nostrand; 1954.
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