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Susceptibility of some vertebrate hosts to infection with early third-stage larvae of Gnathostoma hispidum
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 35(3):1997 > Article

Brief Communication
Korean J Parasitol. 1997 Sep;35(3):211-213. English.
Published online Sep 20, 1997.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1997.35.3.211
Copyright © 1997 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Susceptibility of some vertebrate hosts to infection with early third-stage larvae of Gnathostoma hispidum
W M Sohn,*1 and S H Lee2
1Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 660-280, Korea.
Received August 13, 1997; Accepted August 25, 1997.


Susceptibility of some vertebrates was examined to the early third-stage larvae (EL3) of Gnathostoma hispidum. The larvae collected from the Chinese loaches were infected to 4 silk carps, 3 snake heads, 3 bullfrogs, 5 mice and 9 albino rats. No worms were detected in fish, silk carps and snake heads. In 3 bullfrogs fed 30 larvae, a total of 9 EL3 was recovered in the gastrointestinal tract (8 larvae) and liver (one). In 5 mice infected with 50 larvae, a total of 37 (74.0%) advanced third-stage larvae (AdL3) was recovered from the muscle (31 larvae), liver (5 larvae) and kidney at 4 weeks after infection. In 9 albino rats infected with 115 larvae, a total of 40 (34.8%) AdL3 was found in the muscle. The mammalian hosts were found susceptible to the EL3 of G. hispidum from Chinese loaches.


Table 1
Recovery of gnathostomes from the experimental animals infected with the EL3 of G. hispidum from Chinese loaches

Table 2
Location of worms detected in mice

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7. Sohn WM, Lee SH. Identification of larval Gnathostoma obtained from imported Chinese loaches. Korean J Parasitol 1996;34(3):161–167.
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