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A human case of internal myiasis in Korea
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 34(2):1996 > Article

Case Report
Korean J Parasitol. 1996 Jun;34(2):151-154. Korean.
Published online Jun 20, 1996.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1996.34.2.151
Copyright © 1996 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
A human case of internal myiasis in Korea
P R Chung,*1Y Jung,1K S Kim,1S K Cho,2S Jeong,2 and H I Ree3
1Department of Parasitology, Inha University College of Medicine, Inchon 402-751, Korea.
Received December 01, 1995; Accepted April 15, 1996.


A 71-year old male patient was admitted in Inha hospital due to right facial palsy, quadriplegia and aphasia. This patient was operated to replace his heart values 7 years ago and has been treated with Coumarin®, an anti-coagulant drug, to prevent the formation of thrombus in the heart. A number of fly maggots continuously crawled out from the nasogastric tube set up for supplying a liquid diet and patient's mouth for 2 days until his death in the intensive care unit of hospital. These maggots were about 11.5 mm long on the average and identified as genus Lucilia belonging to family Calliphoridae. The lesion of this myiasis case might be regarded in the gastro-intestinal system of patient. This is the first report of an internal myiasis case in Korea.


Fig. 1
Three calliphorid maggots (Family Calliphoridae: Genus Lucilia) in the 2nd and 3rd instar stages, witch were removed from the oral cavity of the present case.

Fig. 2
A, A maggot showing 2 spiracles (sp); B, Magnified spiracles. Each of posterior spiracles consists of three sausage-shaped spiracular openings surrounded by peritreme with a button (× 300).

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