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Study on Centrocestus armatus in Korea. I. Infection status of Zacco platypus and Z. temminckii with the metacercariae of C. armatus
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 27(1):1989 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1989 Mar;27(1):41-46. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1989.27.1.41
Copyright © 1989 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Study on Centrocestus armatus in Korea. I. Infection status of Zacco platypus and Z. temminckii with the metacercariae of C. armatus
S J Hong,H C Woo and I T Kim
Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine, Kyeong-Sang National University, Chinju 660-280, Korea.
Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-460, Korea.
Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine, nhaUniversity, Inchon 402-020, Korea.

This study was performed to observe the infection rate and infection intensity of fresh water fish such as pale chub (Z. platypus) and dark chub (Z. temminckii) with the metacercariae of C. armatus. The fish were caught in several rivers and streams from June to September, 1988 and examined by artificial digestion technique. Total 370 fish were caught at 19 rivers. The metacercarial (C. armatus) infection rate and average burden in Z. platypus were 86.8% and 224, and those in Z. temminckii were 78.5% and 131. The infection rate and burden per fish were 73.4% and 32 in the fish caught from the Han river, and 88.0% and 44 from the Youngsan river. All fish caught from the Keum and the Tamjin river were infected and their mean metacercarial density was 45 and 59 respectively. The infection rate and density in fish caught from the Seomjin and Nagdong rivers were 100% and 119, and 81.0% and 348 respectively. From this study, it is confirmed that C. armatus is widely distributed along 5 major rivers in Korea.


Fig. 1
Map of surveyed areas.


Table 1
The localities of rivers and streams surveyed

Table 2
Infection status of Z. platypus and Z. temminckii with th metacercariae of C. armatus in rivers and streams

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