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Changing patterns of infection with digenetic larval trematodes from fresh-water fish in river Taewha, Kyongnam province
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 26(4):1988 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1988 Dec;26(4):263-274. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1988.26.4.263
Copyright © 1988 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Changing patterns of infection with digenetic larval trematodes from fresh-water fish in river Taewha, Kyongnam province
Chong Yoon Joo
Department of Parasitology, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Taegu 700-310, Korea.

Recent patterns of infection with digenetic larval trematodes in fresh-water and brackish-water fish were studied in three locations of the river Taewha during the period from April to October 1988, and compared with the data reported previously in the same river. Of 16 species of fish examined, the encysted larvae of Cyathocotyle orientalis were found most frequently from 9 species of fresh-water fish. The metacercariae of Echinochasmus sp., Metacercaria hasegawai and Metagonimus yokogawai were found 8 species, those of Clonorchis sinensis from 7 species, and Exorchis oviformis and Metorchis orientalis from 5 species of fish. The infection rates of fish with C. sinensis metacercariae were not lower than those reported in 1980, wheres their intensity of infection was found lowered in 3 species, Coreobagrus brevicorpus, Gnathopogon atromaculatus, and Puntungia herzi. The infection rates of 3 species of fish with M. yokogawai metacercariae were lower than the results in 1982, while the rate was higher in 2 species, Zacco platypus, and Z. temmincki, and rather stationary in Plecoglossus altivelis. The intensity of infection in several species of fish appeared rather higher than in 1980. the encysted larvae of C. orientalis, Echinochasmus sp., E. oviformis and Metacercaria hasegawai showed variations in infection rates of fish in 1980 and in the present study. It was found that the rate of infection with digenetic larval trematodes in fresh-water fish was still relatively high in the river Taewha, and the metacercarial burden in the fish varied greatly by different fish in 1980 and in the present study.


Fig. 1
Surveyed areas in the vicinity of the river Taewha, Kyongnam Province.


Table 1
Environmental conditions of surveyed areas near the river Taewha (1988)

Table 2
Comparison of species and number of fresh-water fish caught from the river Taewha in 1980 and 1988

Table 3
Comparison of infection rate and density of encysted larvae of C. sinensis from fresh-water fish caught from the river Taewha in 1980 and 1988

Table 4
Comparison of infection rate and density of M. yokogawai metacercariae in fresh-water fish in 1982 and 1988

Table 5
Comparison of infection rate for the encysted larvae of digenetic trematodes other than C. sinensis and M. yokogawai in fresh-water fish in 1980 and 1988

Table 6
Comparison of infection rate for the encysted larvae of digenetic trematodes on the scales of fresh-water fish in 1980 and 1988

Table 7
Comparison of infection rate for the encysted larvae of digenetic trematodes on the fins and tail of fresh-water fish in 1980 and 1988

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