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Studies on the larval trematodes from brackish water fishes 3. Observation on Pseudexorchis major (Hasegawa, 1935) Yamaguti, 1938
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Korean J Parasito > Volume 4(2):1966 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1966 Dec;4(2):35-40. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1966.4.2.35
Copyright © 1966 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Studies on the larval trematodes from brackish water fishes 3. Observation on Pseudexorchis major (Hasegawa, 1935) Yamaguti, 1938
Dong Wik Choi, M.D.,Whan Min Lee, M.D.,Jong Taek Lee, M.D. and Kyu Hyun Hwang, M.D.
Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea.

The Parasitological investigation on the encysted metacercariae in brackish water fish, Tribolodon taczanowskii, in the downstream of Hyungsan river which is located in Kyungpook Province of Korea, were carried out serially and the following results were obtained.

1) Metacercariae of Pseudexorchis major were found in six fishes(15.8%) out of 38 examined.

2) Parasitic frequencies of the encysted metacercaria of Psedexorchis major in Tribolodon taczanowskii were 15.8% (6 out of 38) in the scale, 10.5% (4 out of 38) in the fin, 13.2% (5 out of 38) in the gill, 10.5% (4 out of 38) in the oral cavity and 7.9% (3 out of 38) in the flesh.

3) The worms were identified as Pseudexorchis major (Hasegawa, 1935) Yamaguti, 1938 by morphological studies on the metacercariae, excysted metacercariae, adults and eggs, and compared with prereported Pseudexorchis species.


Fig. 1
Metacercaria (400×). Noted excretory bladder and testes.

Fig. 2
Metacercaria in the flesh. (400×)

Fig. 3
Excysted metacercaria (400×).

Fig. 4
Schematic representation of excysted metacercaria (400×).

Fig. 5
Schematic representation of adult fluke (400×).

Fig. 6
Egg of Pseudexorchis major (400×).


Table 1
Frequency distribution of encysted metacercariae in Tribolodon taczanowskii

Table 2
Measurement of adult Pseudexorchis major collected from the upper part of small intestine of Parasilurus asotus (mm)

b.-excretory bladder
c.g.-cephalic gland
g.a.-genital atrium
n.-nerve ring
o.s.-oral sucker
s.r.-seminal receptacle
s.v.-seminal vesicle
1. Choi DW, Shin DS, Lee SW. [Studies on the larval trematodes from brackish water fishes: I. Observation of Centrocestus asadai Mishima, 1959. Korean J Parasitol 1964;2(1):14–19.
2. Choi DW, Lee JT, Hwang HK, Shin YD. [Studies Of The Larval Trematodes From Brackish Water Fishes: 2. Observation On Metagonimus Yokogawai Katsurada, 1912. Korean J Parasitol 1966;4(1):33–37.
3. Choi DW, Lee SW, Kim JM, Kim JK. [Studies on the larval trematodes from brackish water crabs. Studies on a kind of Levinseniella]. Korean J Parasitol 1965;3(1):31–38.
4. Komiya Y, et al. Journal of the Shanghai Science Institude 1941;1(1):69–106.
5. Yamaguti S. Trematode of fishes 1938;4:66–68.
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