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Studies on the larval trematodes from brackish water fishes I. Observation of Centrocestus asadai Mishima, 1959
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Korean J Parasito Search


Korean J Parasito > Volume 2(1):1964 > Article

Original Article
Korean J Parasitol. 1964 Jun;2(1):14-19. English.
Published online Mar 20, 1994.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3347/kjp.1964.2.1.14
Copyright © 1964 by The Korean Society for Parasitology
Studies on the larval trematodes from brackish water fishes I. Observation of Centrocestus asadai Mishima, 1959
Dong Wik Choi, M.D.,Dae Shik Shin, M.D. and Sang Whon Lee, M.D.
Departmet of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Kyungbook National University, Korea.

1. Metacercariae of Centrocestus species were found from a brackish water fish, Tribolodon taczanowskii Steindachner in the downstream of Hyungsan river.

2. Thirty one fishes out of 154 examined (31.8 percent) were infected with the metacercariae of Centrocestus. sp.

3. Metacercariae were fed to the mouse experimentally and adult worms were recovered from the intestinal mucosa. And they were identified C. asadai Mishima and compared with the prereported Centrocestus sp.


Fig. 1
Metaceracaria of Centrocestus asadai (150×).

Fig. 2
Metaceracaria of Centrocestus asadai compressed in muscle (150×).

Fig. 3
Two layer cystic wall of metaceracaria of Centrocestus asadai (1,000×).

Fig. 4
Excysted metaceracaria of Centrocestus asadai (150×).

Fig. 5
Frontal part of excysted metaceracaria of Centrocestus asadai (150×).

Fig. 6
Thirty six collar spines of Centrocestus asadai (150×).

Fig. 7
Dorsal part of excysted metaceracaria of Centrocestus asadai (150×).

Fig. 8
Drawing of adult Centrocestus asadai.


Table 1
Distribution of metacercariae of Centrocestus asadai in the parts of fish.

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